Thursday, February 3, 2011

10 Most Popular Toys and Benefits

Toys sold in the market innumerable. Start that cost thousands to millions of dollars. This many choices on the one hand was beneficial, so parents have an alternative that can be tailored to the needs. But on the other hand, the choice is too diverse finally make parents confused. Which toy is actually the most necessary and beneficial for children?

Answering these questions, involving members of the mailing list nakita nakita try to give you an idea, what toys are actually most wanted parents. And the result is the following 10 toys have the most votes:
1. Pasel
Pasel ranked first as the most wanted toys parents. Pasel can be enjoyed children from age 1 year, starting with pasel single chip. Along with increasing age of the child, parents can buy pasel with a higher level of difficulty. Pasel of paper prices are relatively cheap compared pasel of wood. However pasel more durable than wood.
Benefits: This game is to train visual skills, fine motor, cognition, social-emotional development of children.
2. Doll
Stuffed toys are not identical with girls. Call Teddy Bear is a classic toy from generation to generation, both male and female. Currently, many dolls are offered in the market, however parents must be observant. When you buy a doll hair, you should select the feathers that are not easily fall out, especially for gifted children with asthma, this can be very disturbing. Adjust the size of a doll with the child's body, do not let parents buy a doll that is larger than the child's body, in addition to bother, so the child could even be afraid. If the child was a child, you should not buy a doll with tiny ornaments as they may be separated and then swallowed.
Benefits: Train fine motor, friends vent for older children, when stuffed animal shaped at once can be used to introduce various types of animals.
3. Toy cars
Although more boys who play it, but there are also girls who love cars. Some parents even bought this toy for his son who was a baby. Small toy cars, dolls from toy cars are selected from materials that are safe, not a problem given to infants. At toddler age, children increasingly like a toy of this type. Besides the shape, color, aspect of wheel motion will attract attention.
Benefit: The introduction of the concept of form and color, toy cars that can be climbed by means dikayuh / using battery trained eye coordination, hand and foot.
4. Toy blocks
Choose a safe toy blocks, in terms of paint or finish is not harmful to children. The smaller the greater the age of the child blocks are used, otherwise the greater the child's age, the logs are used should be vanishingly small.
Benefits: Train fine motor, introduced the concept of regularity and patience.
5. Musical instrument toys
Various musical instruments toys available on the market in small sizes, such as guitar, piano, drums and so forth. Children who likes this type of toy and play it easily could be including children with musical intelligence.
Benefits: Sharpen musical intelligence, gives pleasure, emotional control, fine motor exercises.
6. Books / posters
Babies can be introduced in the book, namely by giving the baby book. While many books for toddlers should be interesting picture, in the next age children can be stimulated to read story books / knowledge is interesting.
Benefits: Baby book to exercise sight, smell and touch. When children can read, then the book is useful as a source of knowledge and pleasure.
7. Toys roles
Toys roles include cooked-food, doctor, grocery-shopping and so forth. These toys can be purchased for relatively cheap for the kind of small, but now there are also toy-cuisine cooking complete with kitchen set the size of the children, which, as is of course more expensive.
Benefits: Learn how to imagine, the process of identification with the mother / father and so forth.
8. Ball
Every child must have to play ball. At the age of the baby can be started with the ball that there kerincingannya, after that could be introduced to various types of balls, started the ball like a doll made of soft, ping-pong ball until the ball plastic / rubber.
Benefits: Train gross motor skills, coordination, balance, color recognition.
9. Drawing tools
Drawing tools are very diverse, from books, crayons, colored pencils, watercolors, and so forth. Almost all children would love it.
Benefit: The introduction of color, fine motor, to train the imagination and so forth.
10. Toys strategy
Which includes toys such as snake ladder strategy, monopoly, Ludo and so forth. This is a new toy can be played with the correct minimum for preschool-age children.
Benefits: Sharpen logic, practicing patience, recognition rate